Q: Which of the following is not an asset held by the commercial bank ?

A: Bills of exchange

B: Current account deposits

C: Money lent at short notice

D: Credit balances with the Reserve Bank

Current account deposits

Q: Which institution in India controls the monetary policy of Indian currency?

A: Finance Commission

B: The Finance Ministry of India

C: The Reserve Bank of India

D: None of the above

The Reserve Bank of India

Q: Gilt-edged market means:

A: Market of government securities

B: Bullion market

C: Market of commodities

D: Market of pure metals

Market of government securities

Q: In India, present trend of rapid urbanization is due to:

A: lack of employment opportunities in rural areas

B: influence of cinema and electronic media

C: break up of joint family system

D: abolition of zamindari tystem

lack of employment opportunities in rural areas

Q: Which activity is not included in service sector ?

A: Trade, hotels and restaurants

B: Real estate, finance and insurance

C: Transport and communication

D: Electricity, gas and water supply

Electricity, gas and water supply

Q: Which one of the following is the main source of revenue for the states ?

A: Property tax

B: Sales tax

C: Excise duty

D: None of these

Sales tax

Q: Which one of the following is an indirect tax levied by the Central Government in India ?

A: Service tax

B: Corporate Income tax

C: Profession tax

D: Agricultural Income tax

Service tax

Q: Find out the statement which is false.
Financial Structural reform needs

A: fall in government budget deficit

B: increase in profitability of economic sectors

C: reduce inflationary pressure

D: increase in the balance of payment deficit

increase in the balance of payment deficit

Q: Chairman of the 15th Finance Commission of India-

A: NK Singh

B: YV Reddy

C: Ranghuram Rajan

D: Ramesh Chand

NK Singh

Q: The Gandhian economy is based on the principle of:

A: Competition

B: Trusteeship

C: State Control

D: None of the above
