Q: Bangladesh was created in the year:

A: 1956

B: 1971

C: 1990

D: 1947


Q: 'World Immunization Week' is observed annually in the last week of:

A: April

B: June

C: October

D: November


Q: World Youth Skills Day is observed on:

A: 13th July

B: 14th July

C: 15th July

D: 16th July

15th July

Q: 'Martyr's Day' is marked on:

A: January 1

B: January 15

C: January 30

D: January 9

January 30

Q: Earth Day is celebrated on:

A: 22 April

B: 17 September

C: 16 February

D: 4 April

22 April

Q: Identify the wrong pair:

A: UN Day : 24th October

B: Earth Day : 22nd April

C: World Press Freedom Day : 1st May

D: Kargil Vijaya Divas : 26th July

World Press Freedom Day : 1st May

Q: Minorities Rights Day is observed in India on:

A: 1st December

B: 18th December

C: 23rd December

D: 5th September

18th December

Q: Which day is celebrated as Nelson Mandela International Day?

A: 19 June

B: 18 July

C: 26 September

D: 9 January

18 July

Q: International Day of Disability Person is observed on

A: 1st October

B: 15th March

C: 3rd December

D: None of these

3rd December

Q: Which day is observed on 14th November across the world?

A: World Alzheimer Day

B: World Malaria Day

C: World Diabetes Day

D: World Cancer Day

World Diabetes Day