Q: The army had to YIELD to the advancing enemy. (Phrasal verbs)

A: give in

B: break upon

C: welcome

D: break to

Correct Option: A  [ give in ]

"YIELD": to surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another.
"give in" : Surrender.

Q: The boss simply could not _________ his inefficiency any more.

A: put off

B: put up with

C: put down

D: put across

Correct Option: B  [ put up with ]


Q: The Information and Communication Technology has ___________ age and employees very highly paid technocrats.

A: come of

B: come upon

C: come out of

D: come through

Correct Option: A  [ come of ]

"come of": To be the result, outcome, or outgrowth of something.

Q: The party high command wanted to stave off an open battle.

A: postpone

B: wait and see

C: allow it to take its own course

D: prevent

Correct Option: D  [ prevent ]


Q: Satish bore away many prizes at the school sports.

A: won

B: lost

C: distribute

D: decided

Correct Option: A  [ won ]


Q: Rita always sets her alarm so that she can _______ at 8 A.M.

A: think over

B: write down

C: think through

D: wake up

Correct Option: D  [ wake up ]

"wake up": to stop sleeping.

Q: The detective suddenly _________ a useful clue.

A: gave in

B: came across

C: fill up

D: fell down

Correct Option: B  [ came across ]

"came across": To find something by accident

Q: The doctor advised me to _________ drinking.

A: give out

B: give up

C: give back

D: give over

Correct Option: B  [ give up ]

"give up": quit, discontinue

Q: The patient will __________ soon.

A: come of

B: come off

C: come down

D: come round

Correct Option: D  [ come round ]


Q: Our monthly expenditure ___________ by five hundred rupees when we decided to buy milk from the milkman.

A: grew up

B: shot up

C: got up

D: lifted up

Correct Option: A  [ shot up ]

"shot up": increase (become bigger or greater in amount)