Q: The thief ___________ with the ornaments. (find appropriate Phrasal verb)

A: Made away

B: Made out

C: Made off

D: Made up

Correct Option: C  [ Made off ]


Q: The prisoner _________ from his guards. (Phrasal verbs)

A: broke off

B: broke out

C: broke forth

D: broke away

Correct Option: D  [ broke away ]

"broke away": escape, run away.

Q: The prisoner who escaped from the prison is FREE.(Phrasal verbs)

A: at by

B: at large

C: at length

D: at hand

Correct Option: B  [ at large ]

"at large": on the run (especially of a criminal or dangerous animal)

Q: On account of overwork, he is __________.

A: run down

B: runs down

C: ran out

D: run up

Correct Option: A  [ run down ]


Q: We should ____________ for a rainy day. (find appropriate Phrasal verb)

A: Put down

B: Put into

C: Put something by

D: Put things off

Correct Option: C  [ Put something by ]

"Put something by": to preserve and store something.

Q: By his virtuous life, he has made amends for his past actions.

A: repented for

B: compensated for

C: forgotten about

D: none of these

Correct Option: B  [ compensated for ]


Q: Some interesting matters __________ in our discussion yesterday.

A: came up

B: got up

C: came in

D: came about

Correct Option: A  [ came up ]


Q: He _________ gardening in spite of the rain. (Phrasal verbs)

A: carried out

B: carried down

C: carried on

D: carried over

Correct Option: C  [ carried on ]

"Carried on" means to continue or persist in a particular activity, tradition, or action.

Q: Never _________ upon the marginalized. (phrasal verb)

A: look over

B: look down

C: look through

D: look into

Correct Option: B  [ look down ]

"look down": to consider that person to be inferior or unimportant (disrespect).

Q: Ramesh takes after his father.

A: follows

B: imitates

C: obeys

D: resembles

Correct Option: D  [ resembles ]

"takes after" means resemble a parent or ancestor.