Q: Ram agreed to _______ my orders.

A: carry away

B: carry on

C: carry out

D: carry off

Correct Option: C  [ carry out ]

"carry out ": to perform or complete a job.

Q: Find appropriate Phrasal verb for " Resist "

A: let down

B: Hold out

C: Look upto

D: Hold over

Correct Option: B  [ Hold out ]

"hold out" means "to resist."
e.g: "He held out and didn't accept the unfair offer."

Q: The teacher will ________ a new chapter tomorrow.

A: take over

B: take up

C: take down

D: take off

Correct Option: B  [ take up ]

"take up": to adopt or begin something new.

Q: The proposal was REJECTED by the President of the meeting. (Phrasal verbs)

A: turned up

B: turned down

C: called off

D: none of the these

Correct Option: B  [ turned down ]

"REJECT": decline to accept

Q: The secret information was ________ from me.

A: held away

B: held off

C: held back

D: held out

Correct Option: C  [ held back ]

"held back": to refrain from revealing.

Q: The prisoner who escaped from the prison is FREE.(Phrasal verbs)

A: at by

B: at large

C: at length

D: at hand

Correct Option: B  [ at large ]

"at large": on the run (especially of a criminal or dangerous animal)

Q: His honesty was doubted.

A: called in question

B: at large

C: well and good

D: above all

Correct Option: A  [ called in question ]

"called in question": to cause doubts about something

Q: He broke down in the middle of his speech.

A: laughed

B: enjoyed

C: failed

D: giggled

Correct Option: C  [ failed ]


Q: Our monthly expenditure ___________ by five hundred rupees when we decided to buy milk from the milkman.

A: grew up

B: shot up

C: got up

D: lifted up

Correct Option: A  [ shot up ]

"shot up": increase (become bigger or greater in amount)

Q: After a prolonged suffering he passed away.

A: went away

B: left

C: expired

D: yielded

Correct Option: C  [ expired ]
