Q: When I saw him in the morning, he looked like a duck in the thunderstorm.

A: entrapped

B: distressed

C: peaceful

D: timid

Correct Option: B  [ distressed ]


Q: The MP from our constituency is fond of blowing his own trumpet whenever he gets a chance.

A: parading his own good deeds

B: speaking too loudly

C: looking after his own interest

D: making long speeches

Correct Option: A  [ parading his own good deeds ]


Q: He is a dark horse.

A: silent

B: secretive

C: dangerous

D: possessing a secret ability.

Correct Option: D  [ possessing a secret ability. ]


Q: Her fame spread far and wide because she was a talented singer.

A: Her fame grew

B: Her fame lessened

C: Her fame ended

D: Her fame began

Correct Option: A  [ Her fame grew ]


Q: Alice is very good at quant, but when she was watching a teacher's video she was taking it with a grain of salt.

A: She was enjoying the video

B: To listen to something with considerable doubt

C: She was listening with full attention

D: She was not listening with full attention

Correct Option: B  [ To listen to something with considerable doubt ]


Q: Seema is a little hard of hearing.

A: inaudible

B: deaf

C: disinterested

D: insensitive

Correct Option: B  [ deaf ]


Q: After reading the story time and again we are finally reading between the lines.

A: Reading to entertain others

B: Understanding the hidden meaning

C: Reading only to show someone else about your style of reading.

D: Reading to clear the exam

Correct Option: B  [ Understanding the hidden meaning ]


Q: He was out of spirits for a few days after his defeat.

A: gloomy

B: sober

C: lifeless

D: uninvolved

Correct Option: A  [ gloomy ]


Q: The question of abolition of private property is still a moot point.

A: unknown

B: undecided

C: not clear

D: uncertain

Correct Option: B  [ undecided ]


Q: Take Cat out of the bag

A: to rebuke

B: to defame someone

C: to reveal a secret

D: to sell a pet

Correct Option: C  [ to reveal a secret ]
